150 research outputs found

    Real-Time Object Tracking in Video

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    Práce se zaměřuje na vizuální sledování objektu v reálném čase ve videu s důrazem na problémy vznikající při dlouhodobém sledování. Mezi tyto problémy patří především okluze, ať už částečná či úplná, a vizuální změny objektu. Dále se práce zaměřuje na objekty na hranici rozlišitelnost a trhavý pohyb kamery, jakožto problémy přítomné při sledování vzdálených objektů. Součástí práce je shrnutí současného stavu s ohledem na zmíněné problémy a návrh systému s vysokou kvalitativní stabilitou a odolností vůči zmíněným problémům, především malé velikosti objektů. Navržený systém byl implementován a z vyhodnocení vyplynulo, že je schopný tyto problémy částečně řešit.This thesis focuses on real-time visual object tracking with emphasis on problems caused by a long-term tracking task. Among theses problems belong primarily an occlusion problem, both the partial and the full one, and appearance changes of the object during the tracking. The work is also concerned with tracking objects of a very limited size and unsteady camera movements. These two particular problems are relatively common when tracking distant objects. A part of this work is also a summary of related work and a proposal of a system with high qualitative stability and robustness to problems mentioned. The proposed system was implemented and the evaluation demonstrated that it is capable of solving these problems partially.

    Image Object Rcognition Using Android Platform

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    Práce popisuje problematiku rozpoznávání objektů v obraze ve spojení s mobilní platformou Android. Rozebírá existující metody a postupy z oboru rozpoznávání objektů stejně jako dřívější řešení podobné problematiky. Z těchto základů čerpá a navrhuje praktickou aplikaci, která má ambice stát se schopným pomocníkem při houbaření. Při návrhu a implementaci bere v potaz také cílové zařízení, které je omezené jak výkonem, tak pamětí. Výsledky jsou vyhodnoceny na základě několika experimentů, včetně uživatelského testování. Implementace výsledné aplikace je součástí práce.This thesis describes an object recognition issue in connection with the Android mobile platform. It analyzes existing methods and procedures from the field of the object recognition as well as previous solutions of a similar topic. It builds on these basics and proposes a handy application which aspires to become a powerful assistant during mushroom picking. It considers the target device, which is memory and power limited, during the design and implementation phase. The results are evaluated by several experiments including an user experience. The implementation of the application itself is a part of this thesis.


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    Social media has tremendously impacted consumers and businesses in the last decade. This relatively new communication channel breaches boundaries year after year in what it can do for its users, no matter the side they are on. Certain benefits can be identified on the consumers` side, but on the business\u27 side as well. Innovation in communicating product and service value using social media evolves very rapidly, with new ways of reaching and gaining the attention of potential consumers being of essential importance. In relation to this, it is valuable to constantly monitor new and emerging consumers` tastes and preferences, not only in products and services they use and buy but in the media and channels they receive information about them. Consumer attitude insights can help social media marketers in developing appropriate social media strategies when marketing their products and services. In this stance, consumers` current attitudes about media, especially social media like the ever-present social networks and advertising techniques that can be used on these networks, is valuable information that can vary across regions, countries, and continents. The aim of this paper was to investigate consumers` attitudes toward social media and targeted advertising in the Czech Republic. The research was conducted on youth and adult population groups regarding their exposure to social media, attitudes regarding the usefulness of social media advertising, buying behavior, irritation, and targeted advertising. The results show certain differences in age groups that can be useful in tailoring successful marketing strategies on social media.Društveni mediji u posljednjem su desetljeću na ogroman način utjecali na potrošače i tvrtke. Ovaj prilično novi komunikacijski kanal iz godine u godinu prelazi granice u onome što može učiniti za svoje korisnike, bez obzira na kojoj su strani. Određene prednosti mogu se identificirati na strani potrošača, ali i na poslovnoj strani. Inovacije u komuniciranju vrijednosti proizvoda i usluga korištenjem društvenih medija razvija se vrlo brzo, pri čemu su od suštinske važnosti novi načini dosezanja i privlačenja pozornosti potencijalnih potrošača. S tim u vezi, vrijedno je stalno pratiti ukuse i preferencije novih i nadolazećih potrošača, ne samo u proizvodima i uslugama koje koriste i kupuju, već I u medijima i kanalima putem kojih o njima dobivaju informacije. Uvidi u stavove potrošača mogu pomoći trgovcima na društvenim mrežama u razvoju odgovarajućih strategija prilikom plasmana svojih proizvoda i usluga. U tom su pogledu, trenutni stavovi potrošača o medijima, posebno društvenim medijima, kao što su društvene mreže i tehnike oglašavanja koje se mogu koristiti na tim mrežama, vrijedne informacije koje mogu varirati u različitim regijama, zemljama i kontinentima. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti stavove potrošača prema društvenim medijima i ciljanom oglašavanju u Republici Češkoj. Istraživanje je provedeno na skupinama mladih i odraslih u pogledu njihove izloženosti društvenim mrežama, stavova o korisnosti oglašavanja na društvenim mrežama, kupovnog ponašanja, iritacije i ciljanog oglašavanja. Rezultati pokazuju određene razlike u dobnim skupinama koje mogu biti korisne u stvaranju uspješnih marketinških strategija na društvenim mrežama

    Specific heat at the transition in a superconductor with fluctuating magnetic moments

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    In the heavy-fermion materials CeCoIn5_5 and UBe13_{13}, the superconducting order parameter is coupled to flucutating magnetization of the uncompensated part of the localized ff-moments. We find that this coupling decreases the superconducting transition temperature and increases the jump of the specific-heat coefficient, which indicates entropy transfer from the magnetic to the superconducting degree of freedom at the transition temperature. Below the transition, we find that the magnetic fluctuations are suppressed. We discuss the relation of our results to experiments on CeCoIn5_5 under pressure.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Similarity of materials and data-quality assessment by fingerprinting

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    Identifying similar materials, i.e., those sharing a certain property or feature, requires interoperable data of high quality. It also requires means to measure similarity. We demonstrate how a spectral fingerprint as a descriptor, combined with a similarity metric, can be used for establishing quantitative relationships between materials data, thereby serving multiple purposes. This concerns, for instance, the identification of materials exhibiting electronic properties similar to a chosen one. The same approach can be used for assessing uncertainty in data that potentially come from different sources. Selected examples show how to quantify differences between measured optical spectra or the impact of methodology and computational parameters on calculated properties, like the the density of states or excitonic spectra. Moreover, combining the same fingerprint with a clustering approach allows us to explore materials spaces in view of finding (un)expected trends or patterns. In all cases, we provide physical reasoning behind the findings of the automatized assessment of data

    Cold Flow Properties of Fatty Esters

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    The article is devoted to the study of cold fl ow properties of neat esters of branched chain alcohols with fatty acids and blends of these esters with fossil diesel fuel. According to the determined CFPP values, the influence of alcohol branching on the fuel filterability is negligible and was detected only in the case of 2-ethyl hexanol. Fossil fuel blending with fatty esters up to 10 % vol. does not substantially change the cold flow properties of fossil fuel. DSC cooling scan parameters should be employed to predict CFPP of blended diesel fuel

    Cold Flow Properties of Fatty Esters

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    The article is devoted to the study of cold fl ow properties of neat esters of branched chain alcohols with fatty acids and blends of these esters with fossil diesel fuel. According to the determined CFPP values, the influence of alcohol branching on the fuel filterability is negligible and was detected only in the case of 2-ethyl hexanol. Fossil fuel blending with fatty esters up to 10 % vol. does not substantially change the cold flow properties of fossil fuel. DSC cooling scan parameters should be employed to predict CFPP of blended diesel fuel

    Motivační proměnné zaměstnaneckého vztahu ve vybraném malém průmyslovém podniku

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    Řízení lidských zdrojů je disciplínou zahrnující celou řadu dílčích oblastí řízení, a to od řízení pracovního výkonu přes vzdělávání a rozvoj zaměstnanců, péči o ně až po jejich penzionování. Pracovně právní vztah začíná novým nástupem, nicméně je nadále rozvíjen skrze řízení pracovního výkonu, přičemž důležitou složkou výkonu je individuální motivace zaměstnance. K té je vhodné přistupovat na úrovni průmyslového podniku koncepčně, a to na základě auditu stávajícího stavu systému, potřeb a perspektiv zaměstnanců a také na základě kontextuálních proměnných, které působnost podniku ovlivňují. Poměrně specifická je pak situace v malých podnicích, kde je řízení lidských vztahů dominantně v průmyslovém kontextu jednou z dílčích činností, která je četně upozaděna v důsledku preference hlavní výrobní či jiné činnosti. Předkládaný text představuje případovou studii malého podniku, v rámci něhož bylo realizováno šetření mezi zaměstnanci s využitím smíšeného výzkumného designu a na základě něj formulována doporučení, která jsou při příslušném zobecnění a kontextuální modifikaci využitelná také v dalších podnicích obdobné velikosti a zaměření.Příspěvek byl vytvořen za podpory projektu SGS-2021-028 s názvem "Vývojové a tréninkové prostředky pro interakci člověka a kyber-fyzického výrobního systému“ řešeného v rámci Interní grantové agentury Západočeské univerzity v Plzni

    Genome-wide screening for genetic variants in polyadenylation signal (PAS) sites in mouse selection lines for fatness and leanness

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    Alternative polyadenylation (APA) determines mRNA stability, localisation, translation and protein function. Several diseases, including obesity, have been linked to APA. Studies have shown that single nucleotide polymorphisms in polyadenylation signals (PAS-SNPs) can influence APA and affect phenotype and disease susceptibility. However, these studies focussed on associations between single PAS-SNP alleles with very large effects and phenotype. Therefore, we performed a genome-wide screening for PAS-SNPs in the polygenic mouse selection lines for fatness and leanness by whole-genome sequencing. The genetic variants identified in the two lines were overlapped with locations of PAS sites obtained from the PolyASite 2.0 database. Expression data for selected genes were extracted from the microarray expression experiment performed on multiple tissue samples. In total, 682 PAS-SNPs were identified within 583 genes involved in various biological processes, including transport, protein modifications and degradation, cell adhesion and immune response. Moreover, 63 of the 583 orthologous genes in human have been previously associated with human diseases, such as nervous system and physical disorders, and immune, endocrine, and metabolic diseases. In both lines, PAS-SNPs have also been identified in genes broadly involved in APA, such as Polr2c, Eif3e and Ints11. Five PAS-SNPs within 5 genes (Car, Col4a1, Itga7, Lat, Nmnat1) were prioritised as potential functional variants and could contribute to the phenotypic disparity between the two selection lines. The developed PAS-SNPs catalogue presents a key resource for planning functional studies to uncover the role of PAS-SNPs in APA, disease susceptibility and fat deposition. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00335-022-09967-8

    Novel Principle of Contactless Gauge Block Calibration

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    In this paper, a novel principle of contactless gauge block calibration is presented. The principle of contactless gauge block calibration combines low-coherence interferometry and laser interferometry. An experimental setup combines Dowell interferometer and Michelson interferometer to ensure a gauge block length determination with direct traceability to the primary length standard. By monitoring both gauge block sides with a digital camera gauge block 3D surface measurements are possible too. The principle presented is protected by the Czech national patent No. 302948